Tuna Salad

Sometimes you need something quick and easy to eat and a Tuna Salad is the perfect fix for such a situation. Its filling and can be eaten plain, with bread, or even with crackers.

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2 cans tuna in water — I typically buy the Chicken of the Sea brand
3 sticks celery
pickles –desired amount
mayo –desired amount
salt and pepper



Drain the water from the tuna and add in a bowl. Chop up the celery and pickles and add to the bowl. Add salt, pepper, and any other desired spices. Mix all the ingredients together then add mayo and mix ingredients some more. Refrigerate for at least 15 – 30 minutes and then serve with bread, crackers, or plain. If you want to make sandwiches you can even place some cheese (american, cheddar, provolone, etc.) slices on the Tuna Salad sandwich.
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